Theodor Schmid (philologist)

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Friedrich Ernst Theodor Schmid (born December 10, 1798 in Wernigerode , † January 16, 1877 in Halberstadt ) was a German classical philologist and high school teacher.


Schmid was born as the son of the Stolberg court chaplain and natural scientist Carl August Schmid and his wife Sophie born. Kiss was born and baptized in the palace chapel on December 18, 1798. He attended the Lyceum at the Oberpfarrkirchhof until 1815 and then the Pedagogy in Ilfeld until 1817 . Schmidt then studied Protestant theology and philology at the Friedrichs University in Halle . With the later court preacher Wilhelm Hoffmann, he was head of Teutonia.

At Easter 1820 Schmid became tutor to the widow of Minnigerode in Halberstadt . At Michaelis 1820 he became 5th collaborator and three years later senior teacher at the cathedral high school in Halberstadt , where he soon published scientific writings. He was an employee of the Jenaische Litteraturzeitung . In 1826 he published the work of his late father, Glances into the household of nature, or depictions from the animal world in Halberstadt near Brüggemann. In 1870 Schmid was retired as a grammar school director . In his capacity as railway director, he accompanied train trains between Halberstadt and Thale until the first stroke .


Individual evidence

  1. Church book of the castle community St. Pantaleon born in 1798