Carl Christoph Kopp

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Carl Christoph Kopp (actually Johann Christoph Friedrich Kopp; * December 20, 1795 in Molsdorf , † October 10, 1866 in Gotha ) was a Gotha lawyer and parliamentarian.


From 1815 Carl Christoph Kopp studied law at the Georg-August University in Göttingen . At the beginning of his studies he became a member of the Corps Brunsviga Göttingen . After graduation he entered the service of the Duchy of Gotha . He became court advocate and official advisor in Ichtershausen and then official commissioner at the Liebenstein Justice Office . In 1836 he was appointed assessor with a seat and vote at the ducal judicial college in Gotha and subsequently promoted to government and judicial council and in 1855 to judicial director. In 1858 he was appointed president of the newly created ducal court of appeal for the duchies of Coburg and Gotha, based in Gotha.

Together with Dietrich von Stein he wrote a draft for the constitution of Saxe-Gotha. He was a member of the commission elected by the joint state parliament of the Duchy of Saxony-Coburg and Gotha to decide on conflicts of competence between administrative and judicial authorities in accordance with Section 142 of the Basic Law. In 1850 he was a member of the Volkshaus of the Erfurt Union Parliament .



  • Jochen Lengemann: The German Parliament (Erfurt Union Parliament) from 1850 , 2000, p. 189.

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 40 , 66