Carl Cleve

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Carl August Julius Gabriel Cleve (born December 17, 1790 in Fredelsloh , † March 12, 1860 in Grauhof near Goslar) was a German administrative lawyer and farmer.


Carl Cleve was the son of the monastery administrator in Fredelsloh and later land tenant in Wülfinghausen (Springe district) and landowner of Astfeld Anton Friedrich Carl Cleve (1755–1823) and his second wife Wilhelmine Friedrike Ulrike nee. Breymann (1766–1801) from Hakenstedt.

Carl Cleve studied law at the University of Göttingen from 1808 and was one of the founders of the Corps Hannovera Göttingen on January 18, 1809 . After the gendarme affair of August 1809, he moved to Heidelberg University . In Heidelberg he was a co-founder and later Consenior of the Corps Hannovera Heidelberg , and was therefore expelled at the end of the summer semester of 1811. As a freedom fighter, he took part in the wars of liberation as a lieutenant in the 3rd Hanoverian Hussar Regiment . After completing his studies, he entered the administrative service of the Kingdom of Hanover and was most recently Hanoverian bailiffin Grauhof near Goslar. He sold the family estates Astfeld and Langelsheim .

Carl Cleve married on July 26, 1814 in Coppenbrügge Marie Friederike geb. Weland (1787–1842) from Braunschweig. They had three children who died early.

The Hanoverian bailiff Anton Cleve was his older half-brother.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Matriculation in Göttingen October 5, 1808
  2. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 42 , 14
  3. ^ Enrollment Heidelberg October 21, 1809