Carl Hertel (judge)

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Carl Hertel , also Karl Hertel , (* 23. July 1879 in Dusseldorf , † 5. April 1958 in Wolbeck , Westphalia ) was a German Reichsgerichtsrat and judge at the Federal Court .


The son of a Catholic court glass painter studied law in Heidelberg, Bonn and Leipzig, where he received his doctorate in 1903. In Heidelberg he was a member of the K.St.V. Palatia Heidelberg . He passed the legal state exams in 1902 and 1908 with "sufficient". He was appointed court assessor in 1908 and worked at the Düsseldorf District Court in 1909. In 1913 he became a district judge at the Mönchengladbach district court. Captain of the Reserve took part in World War I and was highly decorated. In 1919 he became chairman of the Chamber of Commerce in Mönchengladbach. On New Year's Day 1924 he was promoted to district court director in Düsseldorf. In mid-July 1931 he was appointed as an assistant judge at the Reich Court. In 1932 he was appointed Reich judge. He was active in the IV , V Criminal Senate , II and finally in the V Civil Senate . In 1937 he was briefly employed in the 4th Civil Senate . He was retired in March 1943 due to incapacity. He wasn't a party member. After the end of the war he became a judge at the Kempten Regional Court in 1946. From 1946 to 1947 he worked as a judge at the Munich Court of Cassation and from 1947 to 1948 as President of the Kempten Chamber of Appeals. In 1949 he became president of the Augsburg Chamber of Appeals. In the same year he was promoted to President of the Senate at the Munich Court of Cassation. In 1950 he was appointed federal judge in Karlsruhe as a member of the fifth civil senate , which is similar in design to the Reichsgericht, which was intended by the appeal policy of the first BGH president Weinkauff . According to the regulations at that time, he finally retired at the age of 72 on May 1, 1952.



  • Klaus-Detlev Godau-Schüttke : The Federal Court of Justice - Justice in Germany. Berlin 2005, p. 159.
  • Friedrich Karl Kaul : History of the Reichsgericht. Volume IV (1933-1945). East Berlin 1971, p. 274.
  • Gerhart Berger, Detlev Aurand (ed.): "... Weiland Bursch zu Heidelberg ... " A commemorative publication by the Heidelberg corporations for the 600th anniversary of Ruperto Carola. Heidelberg 1986, p. 401.

Individual evidence

  1. Marius Hetzel: The challenge of racial mixed marriage in the years 1933-1939. The development of the jurisprudence in the Third Reich. Adaptation and self-assertion of the courts (= contributions to the legal history of the 20th century, 20). Tübingen 1997, pp. 96, 98.