Carl of Ammon

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Family grave of Carl von Ammon (north cemetery in Wasserburg on Lake Constance)

Carl Friedrich Rudolf von Ammon (born July 28, 1878 in Charlottenburg ; † September 23, 1946 in Wasserburg on Lake Constance ) was a major general in the German Wehrmacht in World War II .


Carl was a son of the Prussian general of the infantry Friedrich von Ammon (1847-1927) from the Prussian noble family of the same name . After attending school, he completed an officer training course and took part in the First World War. After the end of the war, he was accepted into the newly founded Reichswehr on January 19, 1919 , and from October 1, 1933 to November 1, 1934 was initially a substitute inspector in Military District II (Stettin) , who was responsible for Pomerania and Mecklenburg . He was then head of the Central Registration Office of the Reichswehr in Stettin between November 1, 1934 and June 1, 1935, and was promoted to lieutenant colonel on March 5, 1935 . After being promoted to colonel on June 1, 1935, he was a replacement military inspector in Stettin from June 1, 1935 to November 1, 1944, and was promoted to major general on April 1, 1940 . After being in a reserve position from November 1, 1944 to February 28, 1945, he was retired on February 28, 1945.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ BArch MSG 109 Krug, Ottomar. Biographical collection on German generals and admirals: Major General Carl von Ammon .


  • Gothaisches genealogical pocket book of the noble houses. Part B, 32nd year, Perthes, Gotha 1940, p. 9.

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