Carlos Alfredo Bernardes

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Carlos Alfredo Bernardes (born April 21, 1916 in Rio de Janeiro , † March 23, 1977 in Manila ) was a Brazilian diplomat and in 1962 he was acting foreign minister on a daily basis.


Carlos Alfredo Bernardes studied law , received a Bachelor of Laws from the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro and entered the foreign service in 1939. He completed the Curso de Aperfeiçoamento de Diplomatas and was employed in Lisbon from 1944 to 1946 , in Paris from 1948 to 1951 and was a member of the Brazilian mission at the UN headquarters from 1952 to 1959 .

After signing a charter on October 26, 1956, Carlos Alfredo Bernardes headed the preparatory commission of the International Atomic Energy Agency , where he chaired the government representatives from 1958. In 1960/1961, Bernardes was employed as Chargé d'affaires in Washington, DC , where he signed an agreement on strategic material on January 5, 1961. A year later he took over the function of general secretary of the Itamaraty until 1963 and was in the meantime also acting foreign minister of Brazil from 10 to 12 April and from 13 to 18 September 1962. From July 1963 to 1964 Bernardes was appointed permanent representative of the Brazilian torture regime at the UN headquarters and in 1965 he was appointed personal representative of UN Secretary General U Thant in Cyprus. He was finally transferred to Manila as ambassador in 1974 , where he died on March 23, 1977.

Individual evidence

  1. Jornal do Brasil , March 29, 1977, Missa de 7. ° dia
  2. ^ Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists , December 1956, A Preparatory Commission was set up
  3. United States , Treaties and Other International Agreements, p. 597
  4. ^ The Middle East and North Africa , Europa Publications, 1965, p. 811
  5. ENCICLOPÉDIA , Carlos Alfredo Bernardes, embaixador do Brasil nas Filipinas, p. 13 ( Memento of January 9, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
predecessor Office successor
Representative of the Brazilian government to the IAEA
Carlos Frederico Duarte Gonçalves da Rocha
Henrique Rodrigues Valle Brazilian Chargé d'Affaires in Washington, DC
1960 through October 18, 1961
Roberto de Oliveira Campos
Renato Baima Archer da Silva Acting Brazilian Foreign Minister
April 10-12, 1962
Renato Baima Archer da Silva
Afonso Arinos de Melo Franco Acting Brazilian Foreign Minister
September 13-18, 1962
Hermes Lima
Luiz César vinhaes da Costa Ambassador to Manila
1974 to March 23, 1977
Lauro Soutelo Alves