Caroline Renate Pickardt

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Caroline Renate Pickardt (born September 5, 1936 in Plettenberg ) is a German endocrinologist and university professor . Her scientific focus is on the field of thyroid diseases (thyreology). She has done fundamental work in the diagnosis of thyroid dysfunction and goiter .


Pickardt received his doctorate in Munich in 1965 on the subject of changes in the secretin test in subacid, cholecystectomized and pancreatic patients . In 1972 habilitated them in Munich with Scripture stimulation of TSH secretion by TRH (thyrotropin releasing hormone): diagnostic value and pathophysiological implications . On January 18, 1973, she was appointed private lecturer.

In the course of her scientific life, Pickardt organized several scientific conferences and published more than 80 original papers and review articles as well as several books on thyroid disease and endocrine orbitopathy . Together with Rudolf Fahlbusch , she described a form of tertiary hypothyroidism with accompanying hyperprolactinemia due to the interruption of the pituitary stalk ( Pickardt-Fahlbusch syndrome ).

In 2001 Renate Pickardt retired.

Publications (selection)

  • Stimulation of TSH secretion by TRH. Diagnostic significance and pathophysiological implications. Habilitation thesis, Munich 1972.
  • with W. Geiger, R. Fahlbusch and PC Scriba. Stimulation of TSH secretion by exposure to TRF in hypothalamic and pituitary diseases. In: Clinical weekly. Volume 50, 1972, pp. 42-59.
  • as ed. with Johannes Köbberling: Struma. Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg 1990. ISBN 3-540-51067-2 .
  • with Reinhard Ziegler and Rolf-Peter Willig: Rational Diagnostics in Endocrinology. Georg-Thieme-Verlag, Stuttgart 1993. ISBN 3-13-115501-9 .


  1. Information Service 2/96 of the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
  2. ↑ List of people and lectures at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich for the 1975 summer semester, p. 141.
  3. CR Pickardt, F. Erhardt, R. Fahlbusch, PC Scriba: Portal Vessels Occlusion. A Cause for Pituitary Insufficiency in Patients with Pituitary Tumors. In: European Journal of Clinical Investigation. (1973); 3, p. 262. PDF