Cascara sagrada

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Cascara sagrada is an extract from the bark of Frangula purshiana (Syn .: Rhamnus purshiana ), a species from the kind of buckthorn trees . The plant belongs to the buckthorn family ( Rhamnaceae ) and grows on the northwestern Pacific coast of America. The tree is also known as the American buckthorn. The bark contains anthrone and anthraol. These active ingredients oxidize to anthraquinones , which act as laxatives when taken as tea, capsule, powder, tablet or granulate .

Origin and history

Various Indian tribes used the bark and extracts made from it. The Spanish conquerors took over the extract and called it sacred bark , in Spanish Cascara sagrada .

The European settlers in America soon adopted the extract. In 1877 it appeared for the first time in the offer of a pharmaceutical company: Eli Lilly & Co. offered an Elixir purgans that contained Cascara along with other laxative substances.

Usage today

Cascara sagrada is still a frequently used laxative with a positive monograph from Commission E , ESCOP and WHO . Since the extract is relatively weak, Cascara sagrada is usually offered in combination with other laxatives.

Because of its strongly bitter taste, it was also used in raising children: the fingertips were brushed with Cascara sagrada extract to keep the children from biting their fingernails.


The bark must be carefully prepared before using it because the raw extract is very irritating to the gastrointestinal tract. An extract of untreated bark would cause severe vomiting and abdominal cramps.

For this reason, the bark must be soaked or at least heated and dried for at least a year until it is suitable for the production of the extract.

Application, side effects

Cascara sagrada extracts can be used

A side effect of all laxatives based on anthraquinones is that they turn the intestinal mucosa black. Long-term or regular use of laxatives can lead to potassium deficiency; this, in turn, can have adverse effects if one takes digital medicines or suffers from cardiac arrhythmias . Caution is also advised if you also take drugs that promote the excretion of water ( diuretics ), as they increase the potassium deficiency and can thus trigger life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias, for example.

Long-term use of laxatives can lead to chronic depletion of the body in essential minerals. It can chronic diarrhea ( diarrhea occur) or weakness. Regular use of Cascara sagrada, as well as other laxatives, can lead to psychological dependence .

Before taking a laxative containing Cascara sagrada, it is best to ask your doctor or pharmacist and read the package insert. You can also find more information in the article on laxatives .


  • Leistner, Breckle: Pharmazeutische Biologie 1, WVG, 6th edition 2000, page 393.
  • Wagner: Pharmaceutical Biology 2, WVG, 6th edition 1999, pages 296-297.
  • Bäumler: Heilpflanzepraxis, Urban & Fischer, 1st edition 2007m pages 151–152.

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