Catocala puerpera

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Catocala puerpera
Catocala puerpera.jpg

Catocala puerpera

Superfamily : Noctuoidea
Family : Owl butterfly (Noctuidae)
Subfamily : Catocalinae
Tribe : Catocalini
Genre : Catocala
Type : Catocala puerpera
Scientific name
Catocala puerpera
( Giorna , 1791)

Catocala puerpera is a butterfly ( moth ) from the family of the owl butterflies (Noctuidae).



The moths reach a wingspan of 55 to 70 millimeters. This makes them one of the medium-sized species within the genus of ribbons ( Catocala ). The front wings are yellow-brown to gray-brown in color. Both inner and outer transverse lines stand out very clearly. A few small black-brown dots can be seen in the hem area. The hind wings are orange-red, sometimes tinged yellow-red, and have a broad black band at the edge and a slightly wavy, black central band. This central band does not extend to the inner edge. Noticeable is a bright red spot on the apex of the hind wings and an equally colored bulge on the tomus .

Egg, caterpillar, pupa

The hemispherical egg is white-yellow in color and has about twenty strong longitudinal ribs.

Adult caterpillars are characterized by a white-gray to black-brown color, have a broad, dark, often interrupted back stripe and wavy side stripes. There is no transverse tangle on the eighth segment, and two black transverse spots can be seen on the eleventh segment.

The very slim doll shows a long bristle split at the end on the cremaster .

Similar species

There is a certain similarity to Catocala orientalis , which was previously considered a subspecies and which can be distinguished by its much smaller wingspan of 44 to 52 millimeters. The forewing drawing of Catocala puerpera also resembles that of Catocala neonympha . This species differs by the always yellow basic color of the hind wings. There is no risk of confusion with the poplar carmine ( Catocala elocata ), as it is much larger with a wingspan of 80 to 86 millimeters.

Geographical distribution

The species is distributed from southern Europe to southern Russia . There are also deposits in North Africa , Asia Minor , Tibet and the Altai region as far as the People's Republic of China . In the Southern Alps , it rises to an altitude of 1200 meters. Very local in Austria, so far only found in Carinthia and in the east from Upper Austria to Burgenland .

Way of life

The main flight time for the moths is from July to October. At night they occasionally fly to artificial light sources as well as laid baits . The caterpillars prefer to feed on the leaves of various poplar ( Populus ) or willow species . They develop between May and August. The egg is hibernating.


Individual evidence

  1. a b c Barry Goater, Lázló Ronkay, Michael Fibiger: Catocalinae & Plusiinae . In: Martin Honey, Michael Fibiger (eds.): Noctuidae Europaeae . tape 10 . Entomological Press, Sorø 2003, ISBN 87-89430-08-5 (English).
  2. ^ A b Walter Forster, Theodor A. Wohlfahrt: The butterflies of Central Europe. Volume 4: Owls. (Noctuidae). Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung, Stuttgart 1971, ISBN 3-440-03752-5 .
  3. ^ Austria-Lexikon, Catocala_puerpera


  • Barry Goater, Lázló Ronkay, Michael Fibiger: Catocalinae & Plusiinae . In: Martin Honey, Michael Fibiger (eds.): Noctuidae Europaeae . tape 10 . Entomological Press, Sorø 2003, ISBN 87-89430-08-5 (English).
  • Walter Forster , Theodor A. Wohlfahrt : The butterflies of Central Europe. Volume 4: Owls. (Noctuidae). Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung, Stuttgart 1971, ISBN 3-440-03752-5 .

Web links

Commons : Catocala puerpera  - collection of images, videos and audio files