Cauchy's main value

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As Cauchy principal value (after Augustin-Louis Cauchy in) refers mathematical sub-region of the Analysis of the value which is a divergent integral can be assigned when divergent parts of different sign cancel each other.


Cauchy's principal value is a value that can be assigned to certain divergent integrals. There are two different cases in which one speaks of a Cauchy principal value.

  • Let and be a real number. The function is Riemann integrable . If the limit value then exists
this is what Cauchy's principal value is called.
  • Let be a continuous function , then the limit, if it exists, is called
also Cauchy's main value.

It is also common to write “VP” (from the French valeur principale ) or “PV” (from the English principal value ) instead of “CH”.

Relationship between Cauchy's principal value and improper integral

If there is an integral over in the improper sense , then Cauchy's main value always exists (according to the second definition) and these two values ​​agree. The existence of the improper integral does not yet follow from the existence of Cauchy's principal value.

Example (CH 1 / x)

Cauchy's principal value - example

The definite integral is examined. The integrand is not defined for (an inner point of the integration area ). This integral is therefore improper in . The antiderivative of the integrand is (see table of derivative and antiderivative functions ).

This integral does not exist as an improper Riemann integral, but the main Cauchy value is :

The Cauchy main value makes it possible to assign a value to an integral that does not exist in either the Riemannian or Lebesgueian sense .

If is continuous on the real axis and only differs from zero on a limited interval, then the expression in particular exists . This means that like the delta distribution , it can also be understood as a distribution .

Substitution i. General not allowed

However, the main value of an integral generally does not remain invariant under substitution . If, for example, the function is defined by for and for , then the substitution rule applies

whenever or applies. For , however, the main value of the left integral is a finite number, but the main value of the right integral is :

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Individual evidence

  1. Klaus Fritzsche: Basic Course Function Theory: An introduction to complex analysis and its applications. 1st edition, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, ISBN 3827419492 , p. 155.
  2. Eberhard Freitag , Rolf Busam: Function theory. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, ISBN 3-540-67641-4 , p. 177.
  3. Cauchy's main value . In: Guido Walz (Ed.): Lexicon of Mathematics . 1st edition. Spectrum Academic Publishing House, Mannheim / Heidelberg 2000, ISBN 3-8274-0439-8 .
  4. Eberhard Freitag , Rolf Busam: Function theory. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, ISBN 3-540-67641-4 , pp. 177-178.