Cavarus Point

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Cavarus Point
Geographical location
Cavarus Point (Antarctic Peninsula)
Cavarus Point
Coordinates 66 ° 36 ′  S , 62 ° 31 ′  W Coordinates: 66 ° 36 ′  S , 62 ° 31 ′  W
location Grahamland , Antarctic Peninsula
coast Oskar II coast
Waters Zimen Inlet
Waters 2 Brentopara Inlet

The Cavarus Point (English, Bulgarian нос Кавар nos Kawar ) is a mostly ice-covered headland at the Oskar-II. coast of Graham Lands on the Antarctic Peninsula . On the east side of the Churchill Peninsula , it is 16.36 km north of Cape Alexander , 12.8 km south of Slav Point and 36.48 km west-southwest of Veier Head between Zimen Inlet in the north and Brentopara Inlet in the south.

British scientists mapped it in 1974. The Bulgarian Commission for Antarctic Geographical Names named it in 2013 after Cavarus , Celtic prince of Tylis in the late 3rd century BC. Chr.

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