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Cebrio gigas

Cebrio gigas

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Beetle (Coleoptera)
Subordination : Polyphaga
Superfamily : Elateroidea
Family : Click beetles (Elateridae)
Subfamily : Cebrioninae
Scientific name
Latreille , 1802

The Cebrioninae are a subfamily of the click beetles (Elateridae). It includes about 80 species in 15 genera . The subfamily is distributed worldwide, with the exception of Australia. After an investigation of rDNA and mtDNA of the weakly sclerotized groups of the Elateroidea by Kundrata & Bocak (2011) it was shown that the subfamily is probably to be classified as the tribe Cebrionini and Aplastini of the Elaterinae .


The usually medium-sized adults are often quite weakly sclerotized . They have crescent-shaped, forward-facing mandibles and a short, wide labrum . The antennae are thread-like, serrated, or pinnate. The prosternum is trimmed and has no chin part. In some species, the legs are designed as grave legs and often have enlarged thorns. The abdomen has five or six ventrites (visible abdominal sclerites). In many species a pronounced sexual dimorphism is developed. The females have shorter antennae and occasionally very short elytres , so that several abdominal segments are visible.

The larvae are easily recognizable by their long prothorax and the enlarged and invertible cervical membranes.

Taxonomy and systematics

The subfamily is divided into the following three tribes :

The subfamily includes those genera that were previously placed in the family Cebrionidae, such as Analestesa , Cebriorhipis , Musopsis , Scaptolenus , Selonodon and Stenocebrio . It also includes the tribe Aplastini (= Plastoceridae) with genera such as Aplastus , Euthysanius and Octinodes , as well as the genus Paulusiella , which Paulus (1972) and Mandl (1974) previously assigned to the family Karumiidae.

supporting documents

Individual evidence

  1. a b Cebrioninae. Tree of Life webproject, accessed March 27, 2013 .
  2. Robin Kundrata, Ladislav Bocak: The phylogeny and limits of Elateridae (Insecta, Coleoptera): is there a common tendency of click beetles to soft-bodiedness and neoteny? In: Zoologica Scripta. 40, No. 4, April 2011, pp. 364-378 doi : 10.1111 / j.1463-6409.2011.00476.x .
  3. a b c Richard AB Leschen, Rolf G. Beutel, John F. Lawrence: Handbuch der Zoologie - Coleoptera, Beetles, Volume 2: Morphology and Systematics (Elateroidea, Bostrichiformia, Cucujiformia partim) . de Gruyter, 2010, ISBN 978-3-11-019075-5 , p. 96 (English).


  • Richard AB Leschen, Rolf G. Beutel, John F. Lawrence: Handbuch der Zoologie - Coleoptera, Beetles, Volume 2: Morphology and Systematics (Elateroidea, Bostrichiformia, Cucujiformia partim) . de Gruyter, 2010, ISBN 978-3-11-019075-5 (English).

Web links

Commons : Cardiophorinae  - collection of images, videos and audio files