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Chaetomium sp .: perithecia

Chaetomium sp .: perithecia

Department : Ascomycota mushrooms
Subdivision : Real ascent mushrooms (Pezizomycotina)
Class : Sordariomycetes
Subclass : Sordariomycetidae
Order : Sordariales
Family : Chaetomiaceae
Scientific name
G. Winter

The Chaetomiaceae are a family from the order of Sordariales . Among them are economically important food destroyers and molds.


As fruiting bodies , they form thin-walled, membranous perithecia that can be pale or dark. Sometimes these can have shield-shaped cells, often they have typical, complex hairs. An ostiolum , an opening at the top, is not always present. The tubes are club-shaped to sack-shaped, very thin-walled and have no apical ring. They dissolve at maturity. The ascospores are usually small, single-pored, pale to brown, thin-walled, unseptate and smooth. They are thrown off in clouds when ripe.

There is no stroma . Usually there is no secondary crop . If so, it is hyphomycetically developed. The conidia are then thick-walled, sometimes ornamented, and arise from undifferentiated hyphae . A few species form small hyaline spermatia from simply phialidic conidiogenic cells.

Ecology and diffusion

The Chaetomiaceae live saprobion table on a wide variety of organic material and are therefore very widespread. They play an important role as a decomposer of organic material, which they with the help of enzymes such. B. digest cellulases . They also lead to food spoilage and can also destroy paper and canvases. They are also rarely pathogenic. Some species are thermophilic .


The Chaetomiacae were first described by G. Winter in 1885. There are 13 genera.



Individual evidence

  1. Lumbsch, HT and SM Huhndorf (ed.) 2007. Outline of Ascomycota - 2007. Myconet 13: 1 - 58. Full text pdf

Web links

Commons : Chaetomiaceae  - collection of images, videos and audio files