Gong and drum music from Chaozhou

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Gong and drum music from Chaozhou ( Chinese  潮州锣鼓 , Pinyin Chaozhou Luogu , English Chaozhou wind and percussion ensemble / Chaozhou Gong and Drum Music ) is a regional instrumental traditional Chinese folk music - Ensemble formation that the Chinese musical genre of "music for wind and Percussion instruments ”( 吹打 , chuīdǎ ), which also includes, for example, Xi'an drum music ( Xi'an guyue ) or music with wind and percussion instruments from the south of Jiangsu Province ( Sunan chuida ) in different forms, but in other shapes and forms. Chaozhou gong and drum music is popular in the Chaozhou City ( Teochiu ) area in the eastern part of Guangdong Province .

Big and small gong and drum music

A distinction is made between the big gong and drum music from Chaozhou ( 潮州 大 锣鼓 , Chaozhou da luogu , English Grand Gong and Drum ensemble of Chaozhou ) and the small gong and drum music from Chaozhou ( 潮州 小 锣鼓 , Chaozhou xiao luogu ).


According to chinamedley.com, the instruments of the ensemble type of great gong and drum music from Chaozhou include the

Wind instruments :

Percussion instruments :

String instruments :

Plucked instruments ao:


Web links

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Archived copy ( Memento of July 3, 2008 in the Internet Archive )