Characteristic piano pieces

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The characteristic piano pieces by Gottlieb Christian Füger, published in 1784, are a cyclical piano work and an example of the character piece of the 18th century.

In view of Friedrich Hölderlin music theoretically based doctrine of change of tones is the compositional work of himself as a Rosicrucian designating polymath , born Gottlieb Christian Füger on Jul 3, 1749 in Heilbronn, of interest because in the sense of musical affect theory it depicts characters in twelve 'character pieces' and names their moods in headings:

Characteristic piano pieces by GC Füger Pieces caracteristiques pour le clavecin par GC Füger. [Left column:] I. Exuberance. II. Liveliness. III. Happiness. IV. Joy. V. Joy and joy. VI. Tenderness. VII. Longing. VIII. Pride and Boldness. IX. Melancholy and anxiety. X. Anger and frenzy. XI. Please and threaten. XII. Flatter and caress. Tübingen, at the expense of the author [self-published by GC Füger]. [Right column:] I. Joie immoderée. II. Vivacité. III. Gaieté. IV. Serenity. V. Joie et Allegresse. VI. Tendresse. VII. Ardent Desir. VIII. Orgueil et Hardiesse. IX. Melancolie et Mécontentement. X. Fureur and Rage. XI. Priéres [sic!] Et Menaces. XII. Flatteries et Caresses. â Tubingue, aux depens de l'Auteur. [Self-published; Partial distribution: Johann Jakob Heerbrandt] ([At the end:] engraved by IH Walder [in Zurich].) [1784.] - Among the subscribers named on p. [3] is Ludwig van Beethoven's most important teacher from Bonn , Christian Gottlob Neefe , particularly noteworthy.

A partial edition without a subscriber list. only with jewelery title page, was distributed as a title edition (only with a different title page) by the publishing bookstore Johann Heinrich Steiner und Compagnie [i.e. Johann Heinrich Sulzer "zum Adler"]:

Characteristic clavjers by GC Füger Tübingen at the author's expense, taken over [ see above !] From the Steinerische Buchhandlung in Winterthur [1786].

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Individual evidence

  1. Cf. Reinhard Breymayer : Freemasons at the gates of the Tübingen monastery : Masonic influence on Hölderlin? In: Tubingensia. Impulses for the city and university history. Festschrift for Wilfried Setzler on his 65th birthday . Edited by Sönke Lorenz and Volker [Karl] Schäfer (= Tübingen building blocks for regional history , 10). Jan Thorbecke Verlag, Ostfildern 2008, pp. 355–395; here p. 383–391 on Füger, p. 388–391 on Füger's character pieces. GC Füger also came into contact with Viennese composers through his brother Heinrich Füger , the famous Viennese painter and Freemason , and through his Freemason friend Otto Heinrich Baron of Gemmingen zu Hornberg (1755–1836). The painter Füger became known personally in Vienna with his Masonic friars Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Joseph Haydn , and also with Antonio Salieri .