Charles Crosby

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Charles Crosby (born November 25, 1931 in Memphis , Tennessee ) is an American jazz musician ( drums ).

Live and act

Charles Crosby, who came from Memphis, gained his first musical experience with BB King , then led his own bands in Columbus and played with Chuz Alfred and Roland Kirk . From the mid-1950s he worked with Rusty Bryant , with whom the first recordings were made, and with Joe Alexander. In 1959 he worked on the album Young Men from Memphis ( United Artists ) with Booker Little , Louis Smith , Frank Strozier , George Coleman , Phineas Newborn , Calvin Newborn and Jamil Nasser .

In the 1960s, Crosby worked in Chicago and New York with organist Eddie Baccus , with Roland Kirk (heard on Here Comes the Whistleman and Volunteered Slavery ) and Nina Simone ( Please Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood ). In 1968 he played with Jimmy Smith ; In 1969 he performed with Kirk at the Newport Jazz Festival . Tom Lord lists him in the field of jazz between 1955 and 1969 with six recording sessions.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Arnett Howard, James Loeffler, Candice Watkins: Columbus: The Musical Crossroads . 2008
  2. Guitarists were Nathan Page and Eddie McFadden ; see. Jet Dec. 12, 1968, p. 29 and Jet Dec. 25, 1969, p. 50
  3. Tom Lord: The Jazz Discography (online, accessed December 1, 2018)