Charles Pole (politician)

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Charles Pole (* before September 6, 1695 , † October 1779 ) was a British politician who was once elected as a member of the House of Commons .

Charles Pole was baptized on September 6, 1695 as the fifth son of Samuel Pole and his wife Anne . His father lived in Radbourne near Derby . By 1740 at the latest, Pole worked as a merchant in London for the Africa Corporation , which traded with Africa and the West Indies . After the death of MP Thomas Salusbury , Pole was elected unchallenged as MP for Liverpool as a representative of the Africa Corporation with government support in a by-election on March 19, 1756 . Few reports from the work of the House of Commons have survived from this period, but two speeches by Pole have been recorded. In the general election in 1761, he and Ellis Cunliffe ran as candidates for the Africa Corporation for Liverpool. However, Pole lost the election to Sir William Meredith , who praised his competitor as an honest and impeccable competitor. After leaving the House of Commons, Pole ceased to be a politician. In 1759 he was appointed agent of the Africa Corporation for Liverpool. From 1767 to 1768 he worked for the company in London again. In addition, in 1760 he became director of Sun Fire Insurance , a fire insurance company. In 1773 he became chairman of the insurance company before resigning in 1776.

Pole had married Anne Johnston , the daughter and heiress of John Johnston from Lancashire . With her he had a son and three daughters.

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