Charles Reinert

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Charles Reinert (born August 1, 1899 in Basel , died October 9, 1963 in Freiburg ) was a Swiss Jesuit and film critic . He published the first German-language film lexicon of the post-war period.


Reinert was the son of the businessman Karl Johann and his wife Augustine (née Jaccottet). He attended grammar school in Einsiedeln and completed a novitiate with the Jesuits in 1920 . He was shaped by his uncle Johann Chrysostomus Reinert (1878–1936), a Benedictine monk in Einsiedeln, and by Abbé Joye in Basel, who, as an early film pioneer, built up an extensive film collection and used photographs and the medium of film in his educational work. Reinert studied philosophy in Valkenburg, the Netherlands, and theology in Innsbruck and Enghien, Belgium . In 1929 he was ordained a priest. First he worked in Geneva and from 1934 at the parish church of St. Clara and at the Borromäum in Basel.

In 1938 Reinert published film reviews for the first time in the Basler Volksblatt . From 1940 he worked at the Apologetic Institute in Zurich. From its beginnings in Lucerne in 1938, the film office of the Swiss Catholic People's Association was established under his leadership . Reinert was consultor of the papal film commission and employee of the International Catholic Film Office (OCIC) . He built up an extensive film card library and was co-founder of the film magazine Der Filmberater in 1941 , which he published from May 1942 to 1960 under his own editorial and responsibility.

Reinert was a pioneer of Catholic film work, he sought to promote the medium of film culturally and ethically and to combine it with the Catholic ideas of his time. In 1946 he published the first German-language film dictionary of the post-war period.


  • We from film: 1300 short biographies from around the world with around 10,000 film titles. Red. Hanspeter Manz and Theo Maria Werner, Herder, Freiburg u. a. 1960
  • Small film lexicon: art, technology, history, biography, literature. Benziger, Einsiedeln-Zurich 1946
  • Manuel du film: [The in d. Films on distribution in Switzerland] 1949–1954 / 55 = Handbook [of the film]. As Ms. gedr., Red. Der Filmberater , Zurich 1949–1955
  • With Gebhard Stillfried (Ed.), Jean Bernard: Pastor's Block 25487: A Report. Pustet, Munich 1962


  • Charles Martig : Systematics of the film landscape: On the development of the film lexica in the German-speaking area. In: medienheft 22 of October 5, 2004, pp. 22–30; on-line
  • Natalie Fritz, Charles Martig, Fabian Perlini-Pfister (eds.): Only for mature adults: Catholic film work in Switzerland. TVZ Theologischer Verlag, Zurich 2011, ISBN 978-3-290-20075-6 , p. 31 f., 75–80, passim; limited preview in Google Book search

Web links


  1. ^ P. Johannes Chrysostomus (Paul) Reinert von Basel , archive of the monastery Einsiedeln
  2. Hansruedi Kleiber: Abbé Joye - a film pioneer , Basler Stadtbuch 1991, pp. 204–206
  3. ^ A b c Stefan Bamberger: Charles Reinert. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . December 23, 2011 , accessed June 27, 2019 .
  4. Natalie Fritz, Charles Martig, Fabian Perlini-Pfister (ed.): Only for mature adults: Catholic film work in Switzerland. TVZ Theologischer Verlag, Zurich 2011, ISBN 978-3-290-20075-6 , p. 31 f.
  5. ^ A b Charles Martig : Systematics of the film landscape: On the emergence of the film lexica in the German-speaking area. In: medienheft 22 of October 5, 2004, pp. 22–30; on-line