Charles Williamson Flusser

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Charles W. Flusser

Charles Williamson Flusser ( September 27, 1832 - April 19, 1864 ) was an officer in the US Navy during the American Civil War .

Born in Annapolis ( Maryland ), entered Flusser 1847 in the United States Naval Academy , which he successfully graduated with the class. 1853 After his work in the Peace Navy of the USA, he took over command of the gunboat USS Commodore Perry and then the gunboat USS Miami at the beginning of the Civil War . With both ships he operated in the area of ​​the coast of North Carolina .

On April 19, 1864, near Plymouth, there was a battle between the USS Miami and the Confederate ship CSS Albemarle , an armored paddle steamer (Ironclad). During this operation Lieutenant Commander (German: Corvette Captain ) Flusser was fatally wounded. A self-fired time fuse ricocheted off the armor of the CSS Albemarle and fell back onto the deck of the USS Miami , where it exploded.

Brigadier General (dt .: Brigadier General ) Henry Walton Wessels, commander of US Army forces in Plymouth (North Carolina), wrote in an obituary: "With the death of this capable sailor loses the navy of one of their most brilliant examples ..."

CSS Albemarle


By the end of World War II , a total of four US Navy ships were named after Charles Williamson Flusser.
