Chindongo flavus

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Chindongo flavus
Order : Cichliformes
Family : Cichlids (Cichlidae)
Subfamily : Pseudocrenilabrinae
Tribe : Haplochromini
Genre : Chindongo
Type : Chindongo flavus
Scientific name
Chindongo flavus
( Stauffer , 1988)

Chindongo flavus ( Syn .: Pseudotropheus flavus ) is a species of the cichlids (Cichlidae). It is probably endemic to the island of Chinyankwazi in Lake Malawi in East Africa and is one of the mbuna bound to the biotope of the rocky coasts . Within the genus it is assigned to the Pseudotropheus elongatus group. The IUCN lists the species as "Vulnerable" (endangered).


Chindongo flavus reaches a length of about nine centimeters. The males have strong vertical yellow and brown stripes and black and yellow caudal and dorsal fins . The females are similar but less brightly colored.

Way of life

The species colonizes stony slopes in large groups at a depth of about 7 to 20 meters. Plankton is used as food and is consumed in large swarms about one meter above the ground. Sexually active males fiercely defend small territories on the ground, where they also eat. The females protect the fertilized eggs as mouthbrooders . The twenty to thirty young are about 10 millimeters long when they hatch.


The species can be kept in the aquarium with other cichlids and needs an aquarium with stones. The offspring is only successful with high quality feeding.
