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Cholekinetics (singular: the cholekinetikum ) are active substances that cause the gall bladder (and the bile ducts) to empty through contraction .

These include the hormones cholecystokinin , vasopressin , sincalide and ceruletide , as well as curcumin (contained in the turmeric plant), various essential oils , sorbitol and magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt).

Also yolk has a cholekinetische effect.

The mechanisms of action of the individual substances are different. A therapeutic significance of these active substances not can but diagnostically be used for functional testing of the gallbladder (sorbitol, magnesium sulfate, Sincalid u. Ceruletid).

It used to be called these agents together with the Choleretics (which the bile secretion promoting) as cholagogues .


  • C.-J. Estler (Ed.): Pharmacology and Toxicology . 4th edition Schattauer, Stuttgart a. New York 1995. pp. 402-403.
  • Helmut Hildebrandt (Ed.): Pschyrembel. Clinical Dictionary . 257th edition Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 1994.
  • Hermann J. Roth et al. Helmut Fenner: Drugs . Thieme, Stuttgart a. New York 1988. pp. 596-599.
  • Anatomical-therapeutic-chemical classification with daily doses. Official version of the ATC index with DDD information for Germany in 2010 , p. 157.