Chorus iamb

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The choriamb or choriamb ( Greek  χορίαμβος choriambos ) is in the ancient Verslehre four-membered one, from a Trochäus (also called Choreus) (-◡) and a Jambus (◡-) composite metrical foot according to the scheme -◡◡-.

In German, the chorus iamb was only rarely reproduced. One of the few examples is Stefan George's poem "An Apollonia", in which the chorus iamb appears three times in each verse:

Trust the luck! it doesnt even laugh today · A̱pollo̱nia · not.
Necessary smell of your face · but it shows that you are bad
Pliable and strong about him si̱egst · no more lo̱he then glows [...]


Individual evidence

  1. Stefan George: The books of shepherds and price poems, the sagas and chants and the hanging gardens. Complete edition of the works, Vol. 3, Berlin 1930, pp. 42–45, online