List of verse feet

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The following table contains the feet of the ancient metrics sorted into groups according to the number of their members. The columns show the scheme of the foot of the verse and the abbreviation in metric notation , Greek names with transcription , Latin names and the designation commonly used in German.

Scheme Abbr. Greek gr. Transskr. Latin German comment
Two-part simple feet
◡◡ πυρρίχιος , διβραχυς pyrrhichios, dibrachys pyrrhichius, dibrachus, bibrevis Pyrrhichius , Dibrachys two-syllable brachysyllabus
—◡ tr τροχαῖος trochaios trochee Trochäus , also Faller sometimes in antiquity as choreios or choreus referred
◡— ia ἴαμβος iambos iambus Iambus , also Steiger
—— sp σπονδεῖος spondeios spondēus, spondius spondee
Tripartite simple feet
◡◡◡ τρίβραχυς tribrachys tribrachys, tribrachus, tribrevis Tribrachys three-syllable brachysyllabus ; in ancient times also sometimes referred to as choreios or choreus
—◡◡ there δάκτυλος dactylos dactylus Dactylus , also double faller
◡ — ◡ ἀμφίβραχυς amphibrachys amphibrachys, amphibrachus, amphibrevis Amphibrachys
◡◡— on ἀνάπαιστος anapaistos anapaestus Anapast , also double climber
◡—— ba βακχεῖος bakcheios bacchius Bacchius or Bakchius
—◡— cr ἀμφίμακρος amphi macros amphimacrus Amphimacer or Kreticus
——◡ παλιμβάκχειος palimbakcheios antibacchius Antibacchius or Palimbakchius
——— μολοσσός molossos molossus Molossus
Four-part composite feet
◡◡◡◡ προκελευσματικός , τετράβραχυς prokeleusmatikos, tetrabrachys proceleusmaticus Prokeleusmatikus four-syllable brachysyllabus
—◡◡◡ παιών Αʹ paiōn 1 paean primus Peon 1
◡ — ◡◡ παιών Βʹ paiōn 2 paean secundus Peon 2
◡◡ — ◡ παιών Γʹ paiōn 3 paean tertius Peon 3
◡◡◡— παιών Δʹ paiōn 4 paean quartus Peon 4
——◡◡ io ma ἐπιονικός epionikos ionicus a maiore falling ionic
◡ —— ◡ ἀντίσπαστος antispastos antispastus Antispast
◡◡—— io mi ιονικός ionikos ionicus a minore rising ionic
—◡◡— cho χορίαμβος choriambos choriambus Chorus iamb
—◡ — ◡ διτρόχαιος ditrochaios ditrochaeus Ditrochäus , also Dichoreus double trochee
◡ — ◡— διῖαμβος diiambos diiambus Dijambus double iambus
◡ ——— ἐπίτριτος Αʹ epitritos 1 epitritus primus Epitrite 1
—◡—— ἐπίτριτος Βʹ epitritos 2 epitritus secundus Epitrite 2 in Hephaestion also Karikos
——◡— ἐπίτριτος Γʹ epitritos 3 epitritus tertius Epitrite 3 at Hephaestion also Podios
——— ◡ ἐπίτριτος Δʹ epitritos 4 epitritus quartus Epitrite 4 in Hephaistion also Monogenes
———— δισπόνδειος dispondeios dispondeus Dispondeus double spondeus

Whether more than four-part forms are to be regarded as a verse foot or as a metrical clause or possibly as a separate verse is decided differently depending on the author.

Among the more than four-membered forms such as Adoneus , Dochmius and Hypodochmius see therefore the list of poetic meters .

See also
