Christian Carl von Meusebach

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Christian Carl von Meusebach (born November 28, 1734 , † March 11, 1802 in Voigtstedt ) was a German lawyer and Anhalt-Zerbstischer chamber councilor and castle owner.


He came from the old Thuringian noble family von Meusebach with the same parent company at Stadtroda and was the son of Carl Ludwig von Meußbach. His father had taken over the Grünthal and Gehofische Gut in Voigtstedt , which together formed the Vockstedt Castle there. After the death of his father, Christian Carl von Meusebach inherited this castle together with his older brother Gottlob George Justus von Meusebach, who was the secret councilor of Orange and Nassau in Dillenburg.

Christian Carl studied law and entered the service of the Duke of Anhalt-Zerbst as a chamber councilor. He died of exhaustion at the age of 68 and was buried in the quiet of Voigtstedt in the evening on March 14, 1802.

In 1802 his share in Vockstedt Castle fell to his two biological sons, who initially managed it together for a few weeks. Then on November 1, 1802, they made an inheritance settlement. Karl Hartwig Gregor von Meusebach took over the castle alone, but sold it as royal president to the bailiff Heinrich Ludolph Preuser from Kölleda in 1815 .


Christian Carl von Meusebach married in 1776 Benigna Friederika (1746–1785), the daughter of the Swedish chamberlain and mine director Anders von Nordenflycht (1710–1762) from Courland . The two sons George Friedrich Carl and Karl Hartwig Gregor von Meusebach emerged from the marriage. There was also the daughter Amalie, who lived on the Nonnendorf estate in the Jüterboger district as the wife of Johann Friedrich Samuel von der Schulenburg.


  • G. Schmidt: Meusebach's in Voigtstedt near Artern . In: Familiengeschichtlichen Blätter , 1910/122.
  • Helmut Borth: The legend of Mudder Schulten: On the hunt for Mecklenburg history (s) , 2016.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Certificate from Pastor Wilhelm Friedrich Wetzel dated November 17, 1802.
  2. Christian Carl von Meusebach did not use the baron title given there.