Christian Dietrich von Wakenitz

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Christian Dietrich von Wakenitz (* June 8, 1708 ; † March 27, 1779 ) was district administrator in Swedish Pomerania .

Christian Dietrich von Wakenitz came from the noble Pomeranian family von Wakenitz . He was a son of Franz Otto von Wakenitz (1676-1732) and his first wife Ida Catharina von Koppelow († 1723). He owned the goods Klevenow , Wüsteney and Lüssow .

Christian Dietrich von Wakenitz studied at the Universities of Greifswald and Halle . Later he became state deputy of the Loitzer district in Swedish Pomerania, in 1763 royal Swedish district administrator and curator of the University of Greifswald. In 1764 he became director of the knighthood. In 1769 and 1770 he presided over the visitations of the Greifswald court and the consistory .

Christian Dietrich von Wakenitz was married one after the other to two sisters from the von Guhl family. Both marriages remained childless.


  • Theodor Pyl (Ed.): Pomeranian Genealogies. According to documented sources and the collections of A. Balthasar, JA Dinnies and C. Gesterding. Vol. 2, Greifswald 1868, p. 46.