Christian Friedrich Falkmann

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Christian Friedrich Falkmann (pseudonym: Eusebius Wahrlieb ; * July 2, 1782 in Schötmar ; † February 14, 1844 ) was a German teacher and foreign language didactic ( subject didactics ).

After studying theology at the Georg-August University in Göttingen , he worked as a private tutor . “From 1813 he was a teacher, later rector at the Detmold grammar school , where he also gave private lessons in the newer languages ​​for years. Falkmann was particularly interested in the English language and literature. He discussed his methodological principles for teaching English in the school program publication “Some Comments on Teaching in the Newer Languages” (1839), which contained surprisingly innovative ideas, for example about the four skills, which are described here for the first time as the core of language proficiency, with traditional elements united. "(Friederike Klippel, see under web links)

During his time as rector at the Leopoldinum, Christian Dietrich Grabbe , Ferdinand Freiligrath and Georg Weerth were students there.

His son was the lawyer and archivist August Falkmann .

Works (selection)

  • Poetic attempts. Göttingen 1816, LLB Detmold , Google
  • Methodology of style exercises for high schools and private exercises. Hanover 1818, LLB Detmold
  • News of the current establishment of the grammar school and the township school in Detmold along with new school regulations. Lemgo 1819 LLB Detmold
  • Stylistic elementary book or first course of style exercises. Hanover 1825, Google
  • Practical rhetoric for the upper classes of schools and for self-teaching. Hanover 1831, Google
  • Stylistics or a complete textbook of German drafting art. Leipzig 1849, Google

Web links