Christian Gündling

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Christian Gündling (born February 26, 1961 ) is a German marketing consultant. He has been Professor of Marketing, Sales and Strategy at Jade University since 1999 .


Gündling studied economics and political science at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg . In a media group he worked as marketing director and as a sales manager he built one of the first customer service organizations in the German-speaking media industry. In 1994 he started his own business as a marketing and sales consultant on the basis of the "maximum customer orientation" concept he had developed. Since 1999 he has also been a professor at the Jade University in Wilhelmshaven .


Gündling recognized the importance of customer orientation as a holistic concept of corporate management at an early stage . In 1995 his book "Maximum Customer Orientation" was published. In addition to other book titles, he has also published numerous articles and distance learning modules on the topics of customer orientation, customer loyalty, CRM and sales. Inspired by Daniel Kahneman's publication “ Fast Thinking, Slow Thinking ” , Gündling questioned the conceptual structure that was shaped by the Freiburg School . Today Gündling is concerned with the question of what options companies have to avoid competitors with customer orientation in order to survive in the digital age. His theories are based on knowledge of behavioral economics .

Publications (excerpt)

  • Last call for customer orientation - from meaning to profit - why in a digitized world only real customer orientation will lead to profit, Springer, mid-2018
  • Strategy-based sales, in: Pepels: Success Factor Marketing Controlling, Düsseldorf, 2013 2
  • IT support of sales processes, in: Hippner u. a .: Basics of CRM, Wiesbaden, 2011 3
  • Sales process management, in: Pepels: B2B-Handbuch Operations Management, Düsseldorf, 2009
  • Success factors for online newsletters, in: acquisa, 2004, issue 6/2006, pp. 44–48
  • Direct marketing - the key to customer orientation, in: Applied Marketing, Ed. Uwe Kamenz, Springer, 2003
  • Implementation of the strategy through sales, in: Marketing-Controlling-Organization, Ed. Werner Pepels, Erich Schmidt Verlag, 2003
  • Success through direct marketing - practical handbook for medium-sized companies in B-to-B, Luchterhand-Verlag, 2002 (ed.)
  • Direct marketing in B2B, Eschborn: RKW-Verlag, 2002

Research projects and teaching units

Development of the CRM Navigator 2010

  • The E-Mail Newsletter as a Tool of CRM in B2B - Primary Research among Publishers and Subscribers, 2003
  • The specialist advertisement as an instrument for acquiring new customers - primary examination at companies, since 2001
  • Sales-oriented management: customer service, publications from the distance learning course in sales engineer No. 26, Zweibrücken 2002
  • Sales-oriented management: Sales organization I, publications of the distance learning course Sales Engineer No. 26, Zweibrücken 2001
  • Sales-oriented management: Sales organization I, publications of the distance learning course in sales engineer No. 27, Zweibrücken 2001

Web links