Christian Johann Klett

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Christian Johann Klett (born January 7, 1770 in Urach ; † February 7, 1823 in Heilbronn ) was the personal physician of the Counts of Erbach and later, from 1801 until his death, city ​​physician in Heilbronn.


Tomb of Christian Johann Klett and Elisabeth born. Kornacher at the old cemetery in Heilbronn

Klett was the son of the camera administrator August Klett. He received his doctorate in 1794 in Würzburg and then came to the Counts of Erbach in Erbach as personal physician and rural physician . In 1797 he was referred to as a councilor . At the suggestion of his uncle Eberhard Gmelin , then the first city doctor in Heilbronn , Klett was appointed to Heilbronn in 1800, where on January 13, 1801 he accepted the position that had not been filled since 1794 as the third city doctor. When the imperial city of Heilbronn passed to the Kingdom of Württemberg , Klett and his colleague Friedrich August Weber joined the Württemberg state service in 1803 with the title of bailiff physicist, later senior medical officer, while Gmelin quickly resigned from his position. During his tenure in Heilbronn, Klett made a special contribution to vaccination against smallpox .

Since May 1, 1796, he was married to Lisette Kornacher (1773-1858), the daughter of the mayor Georg Christoph Kornacher . The marriage had nine children. The two eldest sons, Georg Klett (1797–1855), who, like his father, worked as a city doctor in Heilbronn, and the later Heilbronner city school teacher August Klett (1799–1869), and were born in Erbach, the remaining children came to Heilbronn World. Klett's tomb is preserved in the old cemetery in Heilbronn.


  • Wilhelm Steinhilber: The health system in old Heilbronn 1281–1871. Published on the occasion of the 650th anniversary of the foundation of the Kathrinen Hospital in Heilbronn (April 23, 1306). City archive Heilbronn, Heilbronn 1956 ( publications of the archive of the city of Heilbronn . Issue 4)