Christian Karl Meissner

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Christian Karl Meissner (born May 26, 1801 in Uetersen ; † unknown) was a German author and translator .


Meissner attended the Cathedral School in Schleswig and studied for a year in Berlin and two years later at the Christian Albrechts University in Kiel theology . In September 1828 he took his exam in Glückstadt .

His first translation was a Greek reader which he translated into German. Translations by George Gordon Byron The Giaour followed; The Bride of Abydos (1813) and Mazeppa, Don Juan, Cantos 1–2 (1819), which were among the foreign classics. Further translations were Lord Byron's Stars , The Vampire by John Polidori and Yorick's sensitive journey through France and Italy by Laurence Sterne (1825). From 1821 to 1828 Meissner translated the 31 volume collection of Lord Byron's poetry .


  • Eduard Alberti : Lexicon of Schleswig-Holstein-Lauenburg and Eutinian writers from 1829 to mid-1866 , CBS von Maark, Kiel 1867, page 746 (no. 1487) digitized
  • Karl Goedeke: Floor plan for the history of German poetry from the sources of Karl Goedeke Volume 3, page 1390 (Dresden 1827) digitized