Christian Lucian Hamsea

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Christian Lucian Hamsea (born April 13, 1962 in Kronstadt (Brașov), Romania) is a German painter , graphic artist and sculptor.

life and work

Christian Lucian Hamsea grew up in Romania and studied graphic art at the art school in Kronstadt with Bella Klement from 1985 to 1988 . He later came to Germany, where he studied art education at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg with W. Schmidt and Peter Mayern from 1993 to 1994 and fine arts at the Academy of Fine Arts in Nuremberg from 1994 to 1998 . Since then he has been working as a freelance artist in the fields of painting, graphics, sculpture, photography, object design and art in public spaces.

From 1998 to 2002, Hamsea was also a lecturer at the chair for art education at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, where she has been teaching painting again since 2007. In addition, he has been a visiting professor at the State Academy of Fine Arts in Tbilisi , Georgia , since February 2009 .

He carried out numerous solo exhibitions at home and abroad and participated in various group exhibitions in Germany, Italy, Russia, Austria, France, Canada, and Mexico. His works are in private and public ownership. He is also a co-founder of international art projects such as the “Lucero de Alba” mural art festival in Mexico in 2004 and the 2006 London Biennale.

His works - whether painting, graphics or sculpture - are characterized by atmospheric alienation or abstraction of natural conditions, such as B. the landscape or a figure, in line, color and space. But he always strives for balance in the sense of the longing of romanticism. His creative concept is the New Romanticism. Atmospheric alienation of the natural situation in line, color and space. Striving for balance in the longing of romance. His theme is the creation of a morphogenetic abstraction of the natural condition (figure, landscape, etc.) through the striving for balance, in romantic longing, based on the model of the natural law of decomposition and new composition. His working media are oil painting on canvas and graphics on canvas and paper; also sculpture made of bronze, wood, metal, stone and other malleable materials. He also takes into account the resulting combined designs on and with unusual media, the unique item and the collectability. In his pictures Hamsea always explores the tension between objectivity and abstraction - that is, the interaction between an “objective” reality and our own ideas that we have of this reality. He deliberately leaves the question open whether his pictures are abstractions of representational objects or whether the figures and landscapes are not rather the result of the associations of the painting process.

With his preference for painterly monumentality in the sense of strong, impasto brushstrokes, he gives depth and breadth to his oil paintings on canvas in cooperation with an extremely contrasting, luminous color palette.

The fact that Hamsea sometimes even dares to completely reverse the conventional color perspective and thereby turn our ideas of near and far upside down is telling. Nevertheless, the viewer recognizes spatiality, whereby the picture spaces seem to open into infinity through numerous shades in changing brightness.

In a spontaneous way of painting, Hamsea seems to tear open structures in his pictures, break up the form and its specific limitations. He redefines the composition over and over again, and succeeds in reducing the means used to formally almost to complete abstraction. The viewer has to achieve the synthesis by comprehending and continuing the dynamic development of the image in his perception - and ultimately combining the apparently disparate elements in his view.

Hamsea's worlds never seem arbitrary, on the contrary: every effect is well calculated; the artist has defined his goal from the beginning, but the way there is not static or even slavishly determined, but ultimately results in the course of the creative process.

He lives and works freelance in Erlangen, where he also has his studio.


  • 1996 Danner Prize competition on the subject of the cross
  • 1998 exchange scholarship for Lyon, France
  • 1998 class award

Exhibitions (selection)

Solo exhibitions

  • 1994 Debut exhibition , Old Town Hall, Kronstadt, Romania
  • 1995 Island proposals , Kronstadt and Bucharest, Romania
  • 2000 Artistikum Gallery, Nuremberg
  • 2001 Kadieva - the Russian Barbizon , Solyp, Nuremberg
  • 2003 Romanian Cultural Institute , Berlin; Gallery in Genthiner 11, Berlin
  • 2004 Galerie Büsch, Berlin
  • 2005 Münsterland Festival pART 1 , Münster; City Gallery Erlangen
  • 2007 The Way - The Meeting , European Capital of Culture 2007, Sibiu, Romania; Arsprototo gallery, Erlangen

Group exhibitions

  • 1994 Europart 94 , Avelino, Italy
  • 1996 International Miniature Art Bienal , Canada
  • 2000 Im Bilde , Fürth
  • 2001 Vladimir - Erlangen , Russia
  • 2002 meeting point Berlin , Foreign Office, Berlin; Erlangen - Vladimir , artist exchange with the Erlangen twin city
  • 2003 Romanian contemporary art , Romanian Embassy, ​​Berlin
  • 2004 Arte Muralismo , Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Mexico DF; Arte Muralismo , Estacion San Lazaro, Mexico DF; Maison Internationale de Rennes, France; La Città Nascosta , Ivrea, Italy
  • 2005 Stracci al Vento , University of Naples, Italy
  • 2007 Folate Iridiscenti , Villa Doria d'Angri, Naples, Italy; Stracci al Vento , University of Graz, Austria

Art projects

  • 1996 Participation in the International Miniature Art Bienal , Canada
  • 1998 Anima , University Gallery, Nuremberg; Art in public space, wall painting, Stadtpark-Süd, Nuremberg; 15 anni Progetto Civitella D'Agliano , art project, Civitella D'Agliano, Italy
  • 2004 Participation and co-founding of the international festival Lucero de Alba , Mexico DF
  • 2006 study visit to the People's Republic of China

Public collections

  • History Museum, Kronstadt
  • Commerzbank, Nuremberg
  • Bayerische HypoVereinsbank AG Munich, HYPO ART '97
  • Fondazione Internazionale Arti Visive Europart 94 , Avellino, Italy
  • Progetto Civitella D'Agliano, Italy
  • City of Nuremberg, Celtisstrasse, Stadtpark-Süd, art in public spaces
  • City of Vladimir, Russia, contemporary art collection
  • Romanian Cultural Institute, Titu Maiorescu , Berlin
  • Embassy of Romania in Berlin, collection for contemporary art


  • Christian Hamsea, Gisela Heinrici, Mary Sych-Fluck: the familiar in the foreign. Erlangen - Vladimir . Kunstverein Erlangen, Erlangen 2002. (Art symposium; exhibition catalog)
  • Christian Lucian Hamsea: Drumul - intâlnirea, the way - the meeting, the way - the meeting . Ed. Haco International, Sibiu (Romania) 2007, ISBN 973-7706-07-2 . (Text in Romanian, German and English; exhibition catalog for the exhibition from August 4 to September 14, 2007; as part of the Sibiu 2007 program - European Capital of Culture)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The way - the meeting , painting exhibition Christian Lucian Hamsea, Sibiu 2007 ( Memento of the original from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Exhibition information on (accessed March 25, 2009). @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /