Christian Michael Stever

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Christian Michael Stever

Christian Michael Stever (born April 6, 1657 in Rostock ; † February 5, 1722 there ) was a German lawyer and First Mayor of Rostock.


Christian Michael Stever was born as the son of the Rostock councilor Johann Joachim Stever. After attending school in Wismar , he studied law at the University of Rostock . From 1688 to 1691 he was in the service of a Herr von Flotow . In 1683 he worked in the Schwerin law firm, and in 1688 he acquired Rostock citizenship. Here he worked as a church governor and treasurer. Christian Michael Stever was a member of the Hundred Men College , the forerunner of the citizenry. In 1693 he became a councilor, in 1696 protonotary. In 1702 he was elected mayor of the city of Rostock. In 1706 Stever was a member of the select committee of the state parliament of Mecklenburg and in 1707 first mayor of Rostock.

Christian Michael Stever married Justina Regina Beselin on November 14, 1688, the couple had three children: Anna Elisabeth (1694–1742), the doctor Christian Friedrich (1697–1778) and the lawyer, councilor and treasurer Johann Valentin (1690–1755) .

Individual evidence

  1. Entry in the Rostocker Matriculation Portal , WS 1663/64, No. 32


Grete Grewolls: Who was who in Mecklenburg and Western Pomerania. The dictionary of persons . Hinstorff Verlag, Rostock 2011, ISBN 978-3-356-01301-6 , p. 9757 .

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