Christian von Geren

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Christian von Geren († 1486 ) was a vicar, secretary and chronicler of the Lübeck mountain drivers in the 15th century.


Geren came from the Altmark and studied from 1444 at the University of Rostock , where he in 1445 to Bakkalar received his doctorate. In 1446/47 he got a job in the office of the council of the Hanseatic City of Lübeck and in 1449 he succeeded Hinrich Stammel as secretary of the Hanseatic office in Bergen on the Deutsche Brücke . Part of this appointment was the promise of the oldest vicarie in the chapel of the Lübeck mountain drivers in Lübeck's Marienkirche .

In 1455 he traveled from Bergen to Rome to negotiate the lifting of the ban because of the bloody unrest in Bergen that year, during which the Munkeliv monastery also burned down. In the same year he was ordained a priest. At the end of 1456 he returned to Bergen via Lübeck, where in 1458 he narrowly escaped an assassination attempt that had been commissioned by a competing merchant from the Zuiderzee . In 1459 he finally returned to Lübeck and became vicar at the Olaf Altar of St. Marien.

Geren was raised to the Danish nobility in 1463. In 1469 he became secretary of the Lübeck mountain drivers and kept their registers and a newly created account book for the shedding of the journeymen of the mountain drivers in the Becker pit. He represented the Bergen office in 1473/74 in negotiations with England in Utrecht, which led to the Peace of Utrecht (1474) , and in Copenhagen in 1477.

He recorded his chronicle from 1470 on in the Schütting's account book. In a first closed text, it dates back from 1469 to 1350 and was supplemented by annual entries from 1470 until his death.


  • Friedrich Bruns : The Lübeck mountain drivers and their chronology , in: Hanseatische Geschichtsquellen , Volume 2 (new episode), Berlin 1900, pp. 302–326 online
  • Friedrich Bruns: The Secretaries of the German Office in Bergen , in: Det Hanseatiske Museums Skriften , Volume 13, Bergen 1939, pp. 35 ff.
  • Gerhard Fouquet : "Historical Images" in an Imperial and Hanseatic City. Christian von Geren and his chronicle of the Lübeck mountain drivers (approx. 1425–1486). In: Rolf Hammel-Kiesow, Michael Hundt (Hrsg.): The memory of the Hanseatic city of Lübeck. Festschrift for Antjekathrin Graßmann on her 65th birthday. Published in conjunction with the Association for Lübeck History and Archeology and the Hanseatic History Association. Schmidt-Römhild, Lübeck 2005, ISBN 3-7950-5555-5 , pp. 113-125.
  • Alken Bruns: Geren, Christian von In: Biographical lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Vol. 12, pp. 135-137

Web links

Wikisource: Burgundian Wars  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. Entry in the Rostock matriculation portal .
  2. Entry in the Rostock matriculation portal.