Christina Hoegen-Rohls

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Christina Hoegen-Rohls (born August 11, 1959 in Heidelberg ) is a Protestant theologian and university teacher .


After finishing school , Hoegen-Rohls studied German , classical philology , musicology and Protestant theology at the University of Würzburg and then at the University of Munich . From 1985 to 1990 she was a research assistant in the New Testament department at the University of Munich. In 2007 she got a job as a university lecturer in Münster . She currently teaches at the Westphalian Wilhelms University in Münster as a professor for biblical studies and biblical didactics. Your specialty is New Testament . Hoegen-Rohls is married to the Protestant theologian and professor emeritus Jan Rohls and has a son, Felix Nicolai Rohls .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ University of Münster: Christina Hoegen-Rohls
  2. ^ University of Munich: Prof. em. Dr. Jan Rohls