Christo Batandschiew

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Christo Batandschiew

Christo Ivanov Batandschiew (also Hristo Ivanov Batandziev written Bulgarian Христо Иванов Батанджиев * in Gumendsche today Goumenissa in Greece ; † 18 June 1913 in the Aegean ) was a Bulgarian revolutionary, founder and member of BMARK ( Bulgarian Macedonia Adrian Opeler Revolutionary Committee , later renamed Inner Macedonian Revolutionary Organization ).

Christo Batandschiew was born in the Ottoman city of Gumendsche, today Goumenissa, near Thessaloniki in what is now northern Greece. Since father was a priest and member of the Bulgarian community in the city. Between 1888 and 1911 Christo Batandschiew was a teacher at the Bulgarian men's high school in Thessaloniki. In October 1893 he was, along with Christo Tatartschew , Dame Gruew , Petar Poparsow , Anton Dimitrov and Ivan Chadschinikolow , the founder of the Bulgarian Revolutionary Committee in Thessaloniki, which stood at the beginning of the Bulgarian Macedonia-Adrianople Revolutionary Committee (BMARK for short).

After the Young Turk Revolution in 1908, Batanjiev was politically active in the party " Union of the Bulgarian Constitutional Clubs in Macedonia " (Bulgarian Съюз на българските конституционни клубове). In June 1913, after the outbreak of the Second Balkan War , he and other Bulgarians were arrested by the Greek authorities in Thessaloniki and taken to a ship to be interned on the island of Paleo Trikeri . On the way, Christo Batanjiev was thrown into the Aegean Sea together with the Bulgarian Archimandrite of Thessaloniki, Evlogij .


  • Boris Nikolow: Вътрешна македоно-одринска революционна организация. Войводи и ръководители (1893–1934). Биографично-библиографски справочник , Sofia, 2001, p. 164.

Individual evidence

  1. Magazine Ilinden (bulg .: Илюстрация Илинден), Issue 4, Sofia, 1943rd