Christoph Bazil

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Christoph Bazil (born May 26, 1969 in Vienna ) is an Austrian lawyer and monument conservator .

Live and act

Christoph Bazil was born on May 26, 1969 in Vienna, where he also studied law from 1987 to 1992 at the University of Vienna . From 1994 he was in the Department for Monument Protection of the then Federal Ministry for Science and Research and in 2005 became its deputy head. In 2001 received his doctorate Bazil with a dissertation on the Austrian heritage protection laws (Title: Selected Legal Issues for Austrian Monument Protection Act ) for Doctor of Law . Even after his studies, Bazil published various writings, articles and books on the subject of monument protection. He had publications on specialist subject areas such as monument protection law in Austria, art restitution law, export of cultural property, protection of cultural property and the Hague Convention as well as UNESCO world cultural heritage.

From October 2006 to June 2008 he acted as chairman of the intergovernmental UNESCO committee for the Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, and from 2008 appeared at the ministry as head of the department for art restitution matters.

In May 2015 he became head of the new department for monument protection and art restitution matters and is still active in this role (as of August 2019). After the archaeologist and lawyer Erika Pieler resigned from her post as President of the Federal Monuments Office after only two and a half months in office due to personal reasons , Bazil stood next to 15 other male and four female applicants for the election of the new president. Bazil had not previously applied to the original advertisement for this post, which then went to Pieler.

In mid-May 2019 it was announced that Bazil had been appointed as the new BDA President and that he would take up his post on June 1, 2019.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Monument protection | Christoph Bazil becomes the new President of the Federal Monuments Office , accessed on August 27, 2019
  2. Monument law in Germany - guest contribution by Christoph Bazil, Head of Division in the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Culture - Monument Protection in Austria , accessed on August 27, 2019
  3. Section II / 4 - Monument Protection and Art Restitution Matters , accessed on August 27, 2019
  4. Head of the Monument Office resigns , accessed on August 27, 2019
  5. Bazil becomes the new President of the Federal Monuments Office , accessed on August 27, 2019