Christophe Goose

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Christophe Gans (2010)

Christophe Gans (born March 11, 1960 in Antibes ) is a French film director , producer and screenwriter .


As a teenager, Christophe Gans developed a great passion for kung fu, fantasy and science fiction films. He studied at France's most renowned film school, the Institut des hautes études cinématographiques (IDHEC) in Paris, and was also the editor of the specialist magazine Starfix . He initially tried his hand at short films, with his 1982 graduation film Silver Slime (Bave d'argent) winning a prize at the Festival du Film Fantastique. At the same time, he repeatedly worked as a screenwriter and producer for French TV. During his studies, Gans met the producer Samuel Hadida , for whose production company he later worked. Together with screenwriter Thierry Cazals , Gans designed several comic adaptations, of which only Crying Freeman - The Son of the Dragon was realized in 1995. However, the film was unable to achieve great international commercial success, and it was only able to assert itself successfully in its home country of France. But that changed in 2001 with Pact of the Wolves , which is one of the few French films that was also successful in the United States.


Direction and script

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