Chrysothemis (daughter of Agamemnon)

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Chrysothemis ( Greek  Χρυσόθεμις ) is a daughter of Agamemnon and Klytaimnestra in Greek mythology .

In Homer's Iliad , she is the sister of Iphianassa and Laodike . In Sophocles' tragedy Elektra - as well as in Euripides Orestes and in the library of Apollodorus - she is the sister of Elektra , Iphianassa and Orestes . When Elektra learns of the alleged death of her brother Orestes, she asks Chrysothemis to help her in revenge for her father, who was murdered by her mother. Chrysothemis rejects this because she does not trust herself to carry out the requested murders of Clytaimnestra and Aigisthus .

A picture of Chrysothemis can be found on a red-figure vase , where she protects Orestes during the murder of Aigisthus.



  1. Homer Iliad 9,145.
  2. Euripides Orestes 23
  3. Libraries of Apollodorus 2, 16.
  4. Sophocles Elektra 957.