Claudius Glaber

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Gaius (?) Claudius Glaber was a Roman praetor probably 73 BC. BC (or a few years earlier).

Glaber moved in 73 BC. As the first general with a quickly raised troop of around 3000 men against the rebels under Spartacus on Mount Vesuvius , they locked them up on the mountain and occupied the only entrance that led from the plain to the crater. The troops around Glaber were taken by surprise and defeated by the insurgents. Allegedly, the insurgents made ladders out of vines that they could use to abseil.

Glaber as a film role

Glaber is mentioned in film adaptations of the history of Spartacus, for example in the Spartacus film adaptations of 1960 ( John Dall as Marcus Publius Glabrus ) and 2004 ( Ben Cross as Titus Glabrus ). In the television series Spartacus , Glaber is played by Craig Parker .


  • Titus Livius , Periochae Librorum 95.1 (as Claudius Pulcher )
  • Plutarch , Crassus 8–9 (as Clodius )
  • Florus , Epitome 2.8.4 (as Clodius Glaber [ Glabrus ])
  • Frontinus , Strategemata 1.5.21 (as Clodius )
  • Appian , Emphylia 1.116 (as Varinius Glaber [ Glabrus ])



  1. In the Senate resolution on the Oropier from the year 73 BC The full name of a senator is given, who was previously equated with the praetor of the year attested to in connection with the Spartacus uprising: Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum (SIG) ³ 747 ( online ) = Vasileios Ch. Petrakos: Hoi Epigraphes tou Oropou (= Viv library tes en Athenais Archaiologikes Hetaireias. 170). Athens 1997, No. 308 ( online ): Γάϊος Κλαύδιος Γαΐου υἱὸς Ἀρνήσσης Γλάβερ "Gaius Claudius Glaber, son of Gaius, from the tribe Arniensis". The order in the list of senators indicates, however, that Gaius Claudius Glaber was already Praetorian and the praetor of the year 73 BC, handed down without praenomen . His son or brother. See Ernst Badian : Notes on Roman senators of the republic. In: Historia . Volume 12, 1963, pp. 129-143 (on Glaber, p. 133). Thomas Robert Shannon Broughton : The magistrates of the Roman republic. Volume 3: Supplement. Atlanta 1986, p. 54. On the other hand, Ryan assumes that there was only one Glaber whose praetur was not 73 BC. BC, but a little earlier. Cf. Frank Ryan: The praetorships of Varinius, Cossinius and Glaber. In: Klio . Volume 78, 1996, pp. 374-379.
  2. Appian mixed Glaber with the (later?) Praetor Publius Varinius , who proceeded after Glaber's defeat against Spartacus.