Cohors II Aurelia Classica

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The Cohors II Aurelia Classica ( German  2nd cohort the Aurelian of the fleet members ) was a Roman auxiliary unit . It is documented by military diplomas.

Name components

  • II : The Roman number stands for the ordinal number, the second ( Latin secunda ). Hence the name of this military unit is pronounced as Cohors secunda ...
  • Aurelia : The honorary title refers to Antoninus Pius , whose birth name was Titus Aurelius Fulvus Boionius Arrius Antoninus .
  • Classica : The soldiers of the cohort were recruited from members of the fleet (Latin classis ) when the unit was set up .

Since there are no references to the additions to the name milliaria (1000 men) and equitata (partially mounted), it can be assumed that it is a Cohors quingenaria peditata , a pure infantry cohort. The nominal strength of the unit was 480 men, consisting of 6 Centuries with 80 men each.


The cohort was stationed in the province of Arabia . It is listed on military diplomas for the years 142-145 AD.

The unit was either reorganized by Antoninus Pius (138-161) after the Bar Kochba uprising or an already existing Cohors classica milliaria was in the last year of Hadrian's reign (117-138) in the Cohors I Aelia Classica and the Split Cohors II Aurelia Classica .


The locations of the cohort are not known.

Members of the cohort

Members of the cohort are not known.

See also


  1. ^ According to Peter Weiß, Michael P. Speidel, the soldiers under Antoninus Pius were recruited from the members of one of the provincial fleets that were already stationed in Arabia ; this probably happened in the course of a military reorganization of the province of Arabia . According to Werner Eck, Andreas Pangerl, it is conceivable that an already existing Cohors classica milliaria was split up in 138 after Antoninus Pius was adopted by Hadrian.

Individual evidence

  1. Military diplomas of the years 142 ( ZPE-150-254 ) and 145 (unpublished).
  2. a b Peter Weiß , Michael P. Speidel : The first military diploma for Arabia In: Journal for papyrology and epigraphy . Volume 150 (2004), pp. 253-264, here pp. 259-263.
  3. Werner Eck , Andreas Pangerl: A diploma fragment from the time of Hadrian, probably issued for a veteran of the province of Arabia in: ZPE, Volume 209 (2019), pp. 258–262, here pp. 260–261 ( online ).