Colima Warbler

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Colima Warbler
Order : Passerines (Passeriformes)
Subordination : Songbirds (passeri)
Superfamily : Passeroidea
Family : Wood Warbler (Parulidae)
Genre : Pointed Warbler ( Vermivora )
Type : Colima Warbler
Scientific name
Vermivora crissalis
( Salvin & Godman , 1889)

The Colima Warbler ( Vermivora crissalis ) is a small bird in the family of the Wood Warbler (Parulidae). In contrast to other wood warbler species, the Colima warbler has been little studied, so little is known about the way of life, the endangerment and population size.

Colima warblers have a brownish-gray upper plumage and a yellow rump. The face, throat area, and chest are gray. They wear a white ring around their eyes. The males have an orange spot on the crown, which is usually hidden in the crown feathers.

They breed in the Chisos Mountains of Big Bend National Park in West Texas and in the Sierra Madre Occidental in Mexico .


  • Jon Curson, David Quinn, David Beadle: New World Warblers. Helm, London 1994, ISBN 0-7136-3932-6 .

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