Computer Force

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The Computer Force are the protagonists of the radio play series of the same name, produced from 1990 to 1991.


The six episodes of the German-language radio play series aimed at children and young people dealt with the battle between blackhats and whitehats and the influence and dangers of computer technology on everyday life in the early 1990s. The computer viruses "The Glitches" and the antivirus programs "Computer Force" are presented in person. The description of the processes in the computer is reminiscent of the film Tron . Mr. Masterbit attacks with his viruses: Megahert, Async, Null, Minus, and Index, for example, the air traffic control of an airport or tries to rob banks with them, which Rome, Debug, Decodar, Grit and Micron use the interface, which is always called the "postal network" prevent under the guidance of the teenager Danny.


The radio play was created in 1990–1991 by Polyband in Munich. Directed by Andreas Cämmerer. The spokesman for the main character Danny was Manou Lubowski . Other characters were spoken by Crock Krumbiegel , Karl Knaup , Kai Taschner , Andreas Borcherding and Christoph Jablonka .


  1. Computer Force - attack of the glitches
  2. Computer Force hunting through the postal network
  3. Computer Force - flight alarm - highest danger level!
  4. Computer Force - computer viruses in the banking system
  5. Computer Force - Shuttle globe out of control
  6. Computer Force - Antarctica Company

In the original version on tape, episodes 4 and 5 were out of order. At the beginning of "Shuttle Globus" the "attack on the bank computer" is mentioned, but it had not yet taken place in the sequence.

Individual evidence

  1. Computer Force 2 - attack by the postal network
  2. ^ Attack of the Glitches Association of Berlin Public Libraries
  3. ^ Computer Force
  4. ^ Computer Force catalog of the German National Library