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Congochromis sabinae, pair of the color form "Tshuapa" with young brood

Congochromis sabinae , pair of the color form "Tshuapa" with young brood

Order : Cichliformes
Family : Cichlids (Cichlidae)
Subfamily : Pseudocrenilabrinae
Tribe : Chromidotilapiini
Genre : Congochromis
Scientific name
Stiassny & Schliewen , 2007

Congochromis ( Congo + "chromis" = old name for. Cichlids) is a genus from the family of cichlids (Cichlidae), which in tropical West Africa in the Shari , Ubangi , in the Liboumba in the Ogooué and in the upper and middle Congo with the Likouala and the Sangha . The genus was onlyseparatedfrom Nanochromis in 2007. Nanochromis was previously divided into two groups that can be anatomically differentiated, the nudiceps group, whichremainswith Nanochromis , and the squamiceps group, whose species (and a newly described one) are placed in the new genus Congochromis .


Congochromis species are 5.2 to 6.5 cm long and have elongated, only slightly high-backed and slightly laterally flattened bodies. The number of their vertebrae is 24 to 27. The Congochromis species have four sensory pores on the lower jaw (five in Nanochromis ), none on the anguloarticulare (lower jaw bone) and six on the gill cover (seven in Nanochromis ). Both Nanochromis and Congochromis have a raised lateral line , which partially borders on the dorsal fin, in Congochromis with the last three to five pore-provided lateral line scales, in Nanochromis with the rear half of the lateral line. The neck is completely scaled in Congochromis , the chest and cheek are partially scaled (not in Nanochromis ). The jaw teeth are robust, single-pointed, and are not close together, in Nanochromis they are very fine, single-pointed, and close together. Congochromis has a small supranural, Nanochromis does not.

Nanochromis is the sister genus of Congochromis and both share some traits, including the raised lateral line and a reduction in the infraorbital bones (below the eyes) into a single one.


Congochromis squamiceps , the type species of the genus


  • Melanie LJ Stiassny & Ulrich K. Schliewen: Congochromis, a New Cichlid Genus (Teleostei: Cichlidae) from Central Africa, with the Description of a New Species from the Upper Congo River, Democratic Republic of Congo. American Museum Novitates Number 3576: 1-14. 2007 doi : 10.1206 / 0003-0082 (2007) 3576 [1: CANCGT] 2.0.CO; 2

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