Conrad von Thunen

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Conrad von Thunen (also de Tunen, van Tunen, de Thune; * before 1302, † after 1319) came from a family of ministerials in the duchy of Münster , who named themselves in a document after their fiefdom in today's Thuine in Emsland since 1154 .

In 1316, together with Otto von Ahaus, he pledged the Münster castles Landegge and Fresenburg as security for a loan granted to the Münster bishop to acquire the lordship . In 1317 he was Drost of the Münster office of Landegge, to which the Emsland belonged, and thus one of the highest officials of the Niederstift Münster . Like the other Drosten von Landegge, Conrad von Thunen saw it as his special task to protect the Osnabrück merchants and craftsmen in the relationship between the markets of the Emsland, as evidenced by a letter of safe conduct from 1317. His successor as Drost was Johann von Raesfeld .

Individual evidence

  1. Krumbholtz (arrangement): Westfälisches Urkundenbuch vol. 8 , Münster 1908 - 1913, document no. 80, p. 30.
  2. Krumbholtz (arrangement): Westfälisches Urkundenbuch vol. 8 , Münster 1908 - 1913, document no. 1358, p. 497.
  3. vom Bruch: Die Ritterssitz des Emslandes , Münster 1962, p. 144.
  4. Bockhorst: History of the Niederstift Münster to 1400 , Münster 1985, p. 46.
  5. Krumbholtz (arrangement): Westfälisches Urkundenbuch vol. 8 , Münster 1908 - 1913, document no.1075, p. 391.
  6. a b Krumbholtz (arrangement): Westfälisches Urkundenbuch vol. 8 , Münster 1908 - 1913, document no. 1137, p. 416.
  7. a b vom Bruch: Die Rittersitze des Emslandes , Münster 1962, p. 39.
  8. ^ Bockhorst: History of the Niederstift Münster up to 1400 , Münster 1985, p. 48.