Constanze Güthenke

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Constanze Magdalene Güthenke (born April 13, 1972 ) is a German Graecist, Comparatist and Neo-Graecist.


Güthenke studied Classics (BA Cambridge 1996) and European and Comparative Literature (MPhil Cambridge 1997; DPhil Oxford 2002). She completed the last-mentioned course with a dissertation from the neo-Greekist Peter Mackridge on the Greek landscape in German and Greek literature between 1770 and 1840. From 2002 to 2014 she taught at Princeton University , from 2014 she is Associate Professor of Greek Literature at Oxford University and EP Warren Praelector at Corpus Christi College .

The current focus is the history of classical philology , especially from the perspective of scholars and the motivations that moved them to their research questions, as well as the emergence of modern humanities disciplines and the rhetorical strategies that put them into practice, as well as philhellenism and generally the Reception history in antiquity.

Fonts (selection)

  • Placing Modern Greece. The Dynamics of Romantic Hellenism, 1770-1850. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2008, ISBN 0-19-923185-0 . - Review by Dirk t. D. Held, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review 07.72.2009
  • Feeling and Classical Philology. Knowing antiquity in German scholarship, 1770–1920 (Classics after antiquity). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, New York 2020, ISBN 978-1-107-10423-5 .

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