Coptodon margaritacea

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Coptodon margaritacea
Coptodon margaritacea.jpg

Coptodon margaritacea

Order : Cichliformes
Family : Cichlids (Cichlidae)
Subfamily : Pseudocrenilabrinae
Tribe : Coptodonini
Genre : Coptodon
Type : Coptodon margaritacea
Scientific name
Coptodon margaritacea
( Boulenger , 1916)

Coptodon margaritacea ( Syn . : Tilapia margaritacea ) is a species of fish from the family of cichlids (Cichlidae) thatoccurs endemically in the Cameroonian Nyong River.


Coptodon margaritacea can reach a length of 17.5 cm, the head occupies 33.6 to 37.9% of the standard length . The jaws are covered with three to six rows of teeth. The teeth of the outer row are two-pointed. On the lower branch of the first gill arch there are 7 to 9 gill rakes . The lower pharyngealia has pointed, curved and straight three-pointed teeth in the back. Your ventral keel is much shorter than the dentate area.

The fish have a yellowish or gray-brown to green-brown basic color and a whitish belly. The scales on the sides of the body have a black spot at their base. There are seven to nine vertical bands on the upper part of the body and on the tail stalk, which become increasingly darker towards the back. In the front half of the body, the ligaments widen at the level of the lower sideline and form a line of five to six black spots. The top of the head, the muzzle and the lips are blackish, the gill cover and cheek are yellowish. The upper lip shows a bluish tinge. The pectoral fins are transparent, the pelvic fins gray with a black front edge. The anal fin is bluish-black with a few shimmering lines in the distant part of the rear section. The dorsal fin is divided into two halves by a bright blue band that runs from the base of the first fin ray to the extended part of the soft-rayed section. The band is only on the fin membranes, not on the fin rays. Above the band, the dorsal fin is gray to transparent, below it is bluish-black with small, bluish shimmering dots. The caudal fin is bluish-black with bluish shimmering lines that disintegrate into dots near the rear edge.

The way of life of Coptodon margaritacea is largely unknown.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Melanie Stiassny, Guy Teugels & Carl D. Hopkins: The Fresh and Brackish Water Fishes of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa, Volume 2 , ISBN 978-9074752213 , page 361 u. 363.
  2. a b Anton Lamboj: The cichlids of western Africa. Publisher: Natur und Tier, 2006, ISBN 386-659000-8 , pages 89-90.
  3. Coptodon margaritacea on (English)