Giovanni Schiavo

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Giovanni Schiavo CSJ , also João Schiavo , (born July 8, 1903 in Montecchio Maggiore near Vicenza , Italy ; † January 27, 1967 in Caxias do Sul , Brazil ) was a religious and since 2017 blessed of the Roman Catholic Church .


After attending school, Schiavo joined the Josephinians of St. Leonardo Murialdo joined the religious community . After studying Catholic theology and philosophy, he was ordained a priest on July 10, 1927. After four years in pastoral care in Italy, he went to Brazil, where he worked as a missionary from 1931 until his death.

Pope Francis beatified him in 2017 . At the beatification in Caxias do Sul on October 28, 2017, Angelo Cardinal Amato SDB, Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints , described Giovanni Schiavo as a “dynamic and creative apostle of charity”.

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Individual evidence

  1. a b Angela Ambrogetti: "E 'beato Giovanni Schiavo il vicentino diventato brasiliano" , ACI Stampa, October 28, 2017 (it.)