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Corioli was a folk city ​​in Latium adiectum .

According to Roman historiography, Corioli was born in 493 BC. Taken together with Longula and Pollusca by Gnaeus Marcius Coriolanus for the Roman Empire and shortly afterwards, after Gnaeus Marcius had defected to the enemy in the dispute over the introduction of the tribunate in Rome, was recaptured by the same general for the Volscians .

The place becomes a little later, 443 BC. BC, mentioned in a dispute between Ardea and Aricia about a piece of land that belonged to Corioli, but which - at an unknown point in time - went back to Rome with it.

Corioli was apparently in the north-west of Latium adiectum between the coast, the Astura and the Alban Mountains . The site was thought to be near Monte Giove , south of the Ariccia Valley, but the location remains unknown. Pliny the Elder already counted Corioli among the lost cities of Lazio.
