Coryphantha reduncispina

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Coryphantha reduncispina
Order : Clove-like (Caryophyllales)
Family : Cactus family (Cactaceae)
Subfamily : Cactoideae
Tribe : Cacteae
Genre : Coryphantha
Type : Coryphantha reduncispina
Scientific name
Coryphantha reduncispina

Coryphantha reduncispina is a species of plant in the genus Coryphantha from the cactus family(Cactaceae). The specific epithet reduncispina is derived from the Latin words reduncus for 'inwardly curved' and -spinus for '-thorn' and refers to the spines of the species.


Coryphantha reduncispina grows individually with spherical to slightly elongated shoots that are densely covered with thorns and reach a diameter of up to 10 centimeters. The warts, which are up to 10 millimeters long, are conical. The axillae are somewhat woolly. Nectar glands are absent. The two to three gray to yellowish, horn-like central spines have a darker tip. They are awl, slightly curved downwards and 1.5 to 2.5 inches long. The 15 to 20 white or yellowish, 1 to 1.2 centimeters long radial spines are needle-like, stiff and radiating.

The pure yellow flowers reach a diameter of 4 to 5 centimeters.

Distribution and systematics

Coryphantha reduncispina is common in the Mexican state of Oaxaca .

The first description by Friedrich Bödeker was published in 1933. Reto F. Dicht and Adrian D. Lüthy treated Coryphantha reduncispina 2001 as a synonym of Coryphantha pallida .



Individual evidence

  1. Urs Eggli, Leonard E. Newton: Etymological Dictionary of Succulent Plant Names . Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg 2010, ISBN 978-3-642-05597-3 , p. 195.
  2. ^ Friedrich Bödeker: Ueber Mammillaria (Coryphantha) robustispina . In: Kakteenkunde . Number 8, 1933, pp. 153-154.
  3. ^ Reto F. Dicht, Adrian D. Lüthy: A new conspectus of the genus Coryphantha . In: Cactaceae Systematics Initiatives . Number 11, 2001.

Web links

  • Photos by Coryphantha reduncispina