Cosmarium humile

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Cosmarium humile
without rank: Charophyta
Class : Ornamental algae (Zygnemophyceae)
Order : Ornamental algae (Desmidiales)
Family : Desmidiaceae
Genre : Cosmarium
Type : Cosmarium humile
Scientific name
Cosmarium humile
Nordstedt ex De Toni

Cosmarium humile , also called small ornamental algae, is a species of algae from the group of ornamental algae (Desmidiales).


Cosmarium humile is a very small species. It becomes approximately 15 micrometers long and 14 micrometers wide. The half-cells are trapezoidal, their apex is wide and two to four times wavy. Each half-cell has a large wart in its center. The chloroplasts each contain a pyrenoid .


The species has been found in Europe as well as Australia and New Zealand. It's very common. Their habitat is the edge zone of larger ponds and lakes. It is also rarely found in raised bogs. Since the cells can stay floating for a long time, the species is also found in plankton .

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