Cosmic Eidex

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Cosmic Eidex
Game data
author Urs Hostettler
graphic Res Brandenberger
publishing company Fata Morgana ,
Publishing year 1998
Art Card game
Teammates 3
Duration an hour and more
Age 12 years

Cosmic Eidex is a variant of the Jass card game designed by Urs Hostettler . While the template is mostly played with four players, the modification released in 1998 is designed for three players. The game consists of 36 cards of nine to four suits each.

The game publisher Fata Morgana has organized Cosmic Eidex tournaments every year since 1998.

Course of the game

Basic game

At the beginning, the cards are shuffled by a teammate and taken from his left teammate. The shuffler lifts the pile and shows everyone the bottom card. The suit of this card is trump for the next round . Each player now chooses a card from his hand and places it face down in front of him. The point value of this card counts for the player at the end.

Now eleven tricks follow according to the usual Jass rules.

The following is counted:

  1. Whoever tricks every eleven rounds receives 2 profit points .
  2. Anyone who scores more than 99 points does not get any profit point. The other players, however, each receive one.
  3. If all players stay below 100 points, the one with the most and the one with the fewest points each get one point.
  4. If two players get the same number of points, the third player receives two points.

The first player to reach seven profit points wins the game. If two players reach seven profit points at the same time, neither of them wins and the game continues, but the score is corrected: the player who scored the most points in the last round stops at six profit points. The other player gets a score of five points.

A special round is played when all players have exactly six winning points. Then whoever plays a match in this round wins (every eleven tricks) or, if no match is played, the one who would otherwise get nothing. (Ie has scored more than 99 points or is in the middle in terms of points.)

Advanced game

In the advanced game, the characters on the cards come into play. Instead, each player draws a card from the shuffled pile before the start of the game. The character of this card gives the player a special ability for all rounds until the end of the game. This character is noted and the cards are shuffled again. The other trick and counting rules in the rounds are the same as in the basic game.

Special abilities are, for example, these: the person who drew the Trumphator (ace of stars) may choose the second bottom card from the stack as the trump suit before each game if he is not satisfied with the bottom card as the trump player. Or the compass (Eidex six) determines before the round whether it is played clockwise or counterclockwise and can change it twice in the round. There is a specific character for all 36 cards.


Basically, the game can be played with a French hand . In specialist shops, however, cards specially designed for the game are available from the publishers Fata Morgana and Abacus-Spiele . Three colors were exchanged: Eidex , raven and star instead of clubs , spades and diamonds .

Each individual card also has a term that expresses the special ability of this card.

Card value Cosmic-eidex-eidex.svg (Eidex) Cosmic-eidex-rabe.svg (Crow) Cosmic-eidex-stern.svg (Star) Cosmic-eidex-heart.svg (Heart)
Ass Dealer Jiu Jitsu Trumphator Ultimo
king computer robber Quiz Master voyeur
lady feminist Shy justice Tea party
Jack Skater Black Peter Agitator Color friend
10 Differentiators Investigator wisdom care
9 laser Radar control Seer consumer protection
8th Corrector zombie Pocket player Je m'excuse
7th proofreader Fledderer jackpot Guggitaler
6th compass Black Friday sphinx Divining rod

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Tournament page from Fata Morgana , accessed on November 10, 2007.